dreamstime_xxl_35096126Primary care providers are different from the physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants you may encounter during a visit to one of our urgent care clinics. While those medical professionals may help you deal with a health emergency, you’re probably not seeing them on a regular basis…or possibly ever again!

Your primary care physician, however, is your partner in long-term health. This medical professional will perform your annual physicals, provide advice on diet, exercise, and perhaps even mental health. Primary care physicians are the doctor you go to on a regular basis, possibly even from childhood to adulthood, so they know a lot about you and your health.

Want to get the most out of your visits with a primary care provider at Medics USA in Falls church? Follow these easy tips before each appointment.

6 Ways To Get More From Your Primary Care In Falls Church

  1. Be Prepared To Talk About Your Past – This is especially important if you’re visiting a Medics USA physician for the first time. Your medical history provides information about your past that can inform future treatments.
  2. Bring Test Results – If you’ve had tests performed in the past, bring any results you have to your primary care appointment. These may be tests that were ordered by your primary care physician or a specialists to whom they referred you.
  3. Complete Forms Before Arriving – Medics USA offers New Patient, Medical Release, and School Exam forms online so that they can be printed and filled out before you even set foot in the office. This ensures that your time in the waiting room will be as short as possible.
  4. Know Your Medications & Diet – The medications you’re taking and the food you’re eating have a big impact on your health. Be ready to disclose information about both to your doctor.
  5. Be Honest About Your Habits – None of us are perfect. We all have bad habits when it comes to our health. Your primary care provider isn’t here to judge you, they just want to help! Be honest about the areas in which you may struggle so that your doctor can provide tips to help you do better.
  6. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions! – Far too many patients assume that primary care doctors are too busy to answer questions, or they’re afraid that they might ask a “stupid question.” In fact asking questions helps the primary care provider know that they’ve explained things well, which helps you to avoid dangerous mistakes.

Contact Medics USA In Falls Church to book your appointment today!